Student Services
Career and Counseling Center:
The Career Center is a great resource area for students. Career, college, military, financial aid, scholarship and SAT/ACT information is available. To use the Career Center during study hall or club period, students must sign up and get a pass in the Career Center. If you sign up to use the Career Center, you should report to your homeroom and stay there until the bell rings to report to study period. While using the Career Center you should be engaging in College, Career, Financial Aid and Scholarship activities. You use a laptop computer to complete these activities. Laptops may not be used for playing games or visiting non-school related websites.
Student Assistance Program:
The Minersville Area High School Student Assistance Program (SAP) is designed to assist school personnel, parents, and students in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success in grades 7 through 12. The primary goal of SAP is to help those referred students overcome those barriers in order to achieve, remain, and advance in school. The SAP Team is professionally trained and includes school staff (administration, counselors, nurse, and teachers) and a community agency liaison that is trained to access alcohol and drug/mental health services. Any staff, student, family member, or member of the community may refer a student by contacting the Guidance Office.