Financial Aid/Scholarships
PHEAA Workshops
Minersville Area HS hosted a Financial Aid Night presentation with PA Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) in the Cafeteria on September 12, 2024 at 6:00 pm for MAHS students and parents.
This presentation provided an early understanding of the financial aid process. Participants gained an understanding of the types and sources of aid available to help cover the cost of attendance at post-secondary schools. Participants also learned how to apply for financial aid, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), which is required to determine eligibility for most student aid programs, such as the Pennsylvania State Grant, Federal Pell Grant, institutional awards, and federal student and parent loans.
Click here for the Power Point from Financial Aid Night on Sept 12, 2024
How to Apply for Financial Aid:
Click here for a link to the FAFSA at
Apply for a PIN number and be sure to check email
Find school codes and check deadlines
Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on-line on or after December 1 of student’s senior year.
Useful Phone Numbers:
General Info about Federal Aid: 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) for FAFSA help & to request copies of Student Aid Report (SAR)
Pa Higher Education Assistance Agency Grant and Loan Programs 1-800-692-7392
For specific questions contact financial aid office at student’s college of choice
Financial Aid and Scholarships/Awards Websites:
Fast Web
American Education Services
Peterson's Search
Selective Service System (Any 18 year old male must register with the selective service in order to be eligible for financial aid.)
August 19 Scholarship Newsletter
August 22 Scholarship Newsletter
August 26 Scholarship Newsletter
September Scholarship Newsletter
September 5 Scholarship Newsletter
September 9 Scholarship Newsletter
September 12 Scholarship Newsletter
September 16 Scholarship Newsletter
September 19 Scholarship Newsletter
September 23 Scholarship Newsletter
September 26 Scholarship Newsletter
September 30 Scholarship Newsletter
October Scholarship Newsletter
October 7 Scholarship Newsletter
October 10 Scholarship Newsletter
October 15 Scholarship Newsletter
October 21 Scholarship Newsletter
October 24 Scholarship Newsletter
October 28 Scholarship Newsletter
October 31 Scholarship Newsletter
November Scholarship Newsletter
November 7 Scholarship Newsletter
November 11 Scholarship Newsletter
November 14 Scholarship Newsletter
November 18 Scholarship Newsletter
Schuylkill Area Community Foundation (Click on Minersville High School Scholarships and Awards available December 15/Deadlines vary)
Elks National Foundation Scholarship Program (Due November 12, 2024)
Burger King Foundation Scholarship (Due December 16, 2024)
Hydro Trade Scholarship (Due January 15, 2024)
PA JCI Scholarship (Due January 17, 2025)
William and Debrah Pettigrew Scholarship (Due February 1, 2025)
Society of Women Engineers Scholarship (Due February 2, 2025)
PACAC Scholarships (Due February 3, 2025)
Schuylkill County Quilters Guild (Due February 7, 2025)
Eastern PSEA Scholarship (Due February 14, 2025)
PA Society's Benjamin Franklin Scholar Awards for Juniors (Due February 28, 2025)
John Rich Curran Memorial Scholarship Fund/Berks County Community Foundation (Due March 1, 2025)
Horatio Alger Scholarships for juniors and seniors (Due March 1, 2025)
Women Who Care Scholarship (Due March 1, 2025)
Edward and Hannah Wingaris Scholarship (Due March 3, 2025)
ABC Keystone Scholarships (Due March 7, 2025)
SCEA Scholarship Fund (Due March 10, 2025)
PSBA Scholarships (Due March 14, 2025)
Snayberger Memorial Foundation Scholarship (Due March 31, 2025)
Melvin H. & Thelma N. Jenkins Scholarship (Due in Guidance on April 1, 2025)
The PA House of Representatives Scholarship Program (Due April 15, 2025)
Hidden River Credit Union Scholarships (Due April 30, 2025)