Community Service and Job Information
Community Service Information and Summer Opportunities:
All students must have 20 hours of community service to graduate from Minersville Area High School. These hours must be completed voluntarily, without compensation and at a time beyond the normal school hours. Community Service must be completed for a NON-PROFIT agency (SPCA, Red Cross, Library, school, etc) and not for an individual person or a for-profit company. The Community Service Form must be signed by official in charge of the community service activity, and returned to Mrs. Urquiza in the Career Center.
Hillside SPCA is always looking for dog walkers and volunteers.
St. Luke's Volunteer NOW Program
The Good Intent Hose Company is looking for volunteers for their Bingo Events. Please see guidance for details.
The Frackville Elks Lodge No. 1533 is looking for volunteers to help with their various community projects. Please contact William Mack at 570-590-3330.
The Minersville Library is looking for student volunteers. Please go to the Minersville library for more information.
Job Information and Summer Opportunities: