Career Resources and Portfolios
Career Resources/Websites:
The AES Education Planner website not only provides a search engine for post-secondary options and financial aid resources, but also provides other career exploration resources and assessment tools (i.e. learning styles inventory) that help in exploring post-secondary programs of study and corresponding career profiles.
This website has been developed in cooperation with the PA Dept. of Labor and Industry and the PA Dept. of Education to provide resources for career exploration including assessment tools (i.e., interest profiler, work values) and occupational profiles with career videos.
This website is a career planning and exploration program that combines a multiple-aptitude test with an interest self-assessment and a wide range of career exploration tools. The ASVAB is part of the career portfolios in the junior year.
Career Portfolios:
Every student at MAHS has a career portfolio which is kept in the guidance office, but also virtually thru the student's SmartFutures account. Every year different interest assessments are added to their student portfolios as well as other information that align with the PA Career Standards. Students wishing to add materials to their portfolios such as excellent papers, awards, community recognitions, letters of recommendation etc. should bring a copy to guidance or scan to their accounts in SmartFutures.